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Meaning of the Name Hagar

The first name Hagar is of Biblical, Hebrew origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: 'A Stranger, One That Fears'
Biblical: A Stranger, One That Fears
Hebrew: Forsaken. Flight. Famous Bearer: the Old Testament Maidservant of Sarah, Wife of Abraham
Hebrew: The Arabic Wife of Avraham

Similar Names

Hajari | Hazor |

Related Names

Ishmael  (Hebrew)
God Listens. in the Bible Ismael Was Son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian Slave Woman Hagar
Ishmael  (Spanish)
God Listens. in the Bible Ismael Was Son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian Slave Woman Hagar
Ismael  (Hebrew)
God Listens. in the Bible Ismael Was Son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian Slave Woman Hagar
Ismael  (Spanish)
God Listens. in the Bible Ismael Was Son of Abraham by Sarah's Egyptian Slave Woman Hagar

Additional Names

Pandarus | Amicia | Jashub | Avikar | Chirag | Nastasiya | Abraham | Brite | Graham | Eglaim | Javier | Andreya | Eugene | Dalmatia | Indira |