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Names That Mean Hali

129 names found for "Hali"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Hali? We couldn't find the exact name Hali, but listed below are some first names meaning Hali or names similar to the word Hali.

Similar Names

Haele | Hail | Hal | Halah | Hale | Halee | Haley | Halil | Hall | Hallil |

Related Names

Nahaliel  (Biblical)
'Inheritance, Valley of God'
Natalie  (Latin)
Born on Christmas (Nathalie, Natalya, Natasha)
Nathalia  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalia  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalie  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalie  (Latin)
Bom at Christmas
Nathalie  (French)
From the Name Natalie
Nephthalim  (Biblical)
That Struggles or Fights
Nephthalim  (Biblical)
That Struggles or Fights
Percival  (Celtic)
Companion of the Chalice, Urbane, Pompous, Audacious
Punthali  (Indian)
A doll
Punthali/Puthali  (Hindu)
A Doll
Shaleeqa  (Muslim)
Variant of Shaliqa: Real Sister. Migraine
Shalim  (Biblical)
Foxes, Fists, Path
Shalim  (Biblical)
Foxes, Fists, Path
Shalin  (Hindu)
Cotton Plant
Shalin  (Indian)
Shalini  (Hindu)
Shalini  (Indian)
Shaliqa  (Muslim)
Real Sister. Migraine
Shalisha  (Biblical)
Three; the Third; Prince; Captain
Sohalia  (Hindu)
Moon Glow
Thalia  (Greek)
Good Cheer
Thalia  (Greek)
Thalia  (Greek)
Joyous Muse of Comedy
Thaliard  (Shakespearean)
'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' a Lord of Antioch
Umar  (Muslim)
Old Arabic Name. Second Khalifah of Islam. Age. Lifetime. Also a Variant of Omar: Life. Long Living
Vaishali  (Hindu)
Name of an Ancient City
Vaishali  (Indian)
name of an ancient city

Additional Names

Fatin | Doctor | Surtr | Wethrby | Marquilla | Huong | Ellie | Cambria | Dalon | Feodora | Zipporah | Joanna | Linus | Shahrazad | Jesper |