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Meaning of the Name Halif

The first name Halif is of Muslim origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Muslim: Ally. Confederate

Similar Names

Haleef | Hlif |

Related Names

Affan  (Islamic)
Father of Khalifa Usman
Asma'  (Muslim)
Excellent. Precious. Daughter of Abu Bakr, First Khalif
Haleef  (Muslim)
Variant of Halif: Ally. Confederate
Halifrid  (German)
Peaceful Heroine
Khaleefa  (Muslim)
Variant of Khalifa: Caliph. Successor
Khalifa  (Muslim)
Caliph. Successor
Ma'awiya  (Muslim)
A Young Dog or Fox. First Umayyad Khalifah
Umar  (Muslim)
Old Arabic Name. Second Khalifah of Islam. Age. Lifetime. Also a Variant of Omar: Life. Long Living

Additional Names

Erlene | Lowell | Wainwright | Tara | Iphedeiah | Richmond | Keaton | Kieran | Hugh | Agata | Eusebio | Denney | Halfrida | Briony | Jovito |