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Meaning of the Name Halli

The first name Halli is of English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Hallowed, from the Hall (Hallie, Halley)

Similar Names

Haele | Hail | Hal | Halah | Hale | Halee | Haley | Hali | Halil | Hall |

Related Names

Haley  (Norse)
Heroine, Victorious Woman (Haile, Hallie, Hally, Halie, Hayley)
Hallie  (English)
From the Hall
Hallie  (English)
Haley, Clearing of Hay
Hallie  (Teutonic)
Strong in War
Hallil  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chalil: Flute
Halliwell  (English)
Lives by the Holy Spring

Additional Names

Pier | Ihsaan | Aphek | Mareen | Saruch | Winifred | Cosmas | Kesari | Lekah | Kaelin | Stanislov | Hahnee | Cailleach | Delaine | Prince |