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Meaning of the Name Hallie

The first name Hallie is of English, Teutonic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: From the Hall
English: Haley, Clearing of Hay
Teutonic: Strong in War

Similar Names

Haele | Hale | Halee | Hali | Halil | Hall | Halley | Hallil | Hayle | Haile |

Related Names

Haley  (Norse)
Heroine, Victorious Woman (Haile, Hallie, Hally, Halie, Hayley)
Halli  (English)
Hallowed, from the Hall (Hallie, Halley)

Additional Names

Sandy | Naasik | Karaamat | Ealaot Wadass | Achintya | Gaffney | Frantik | Pwyll | Brand | Sinon | Elikai | Wicleah | Aldis | Brammel | Hibiscus |