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Meaning of the Name Hani

96 names found for "Hani"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Hani is of Arabic, Islamic, Muslim origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Arabic: Cheerful and Happy
Islamic: Happy, Joyful
Muslim: Happy. Delighted. Content

Similar Names

Haim | Haine | Ham | Hamo | Han | Hanah | Hanan | Hanani | Hane | Hania |

Related Names

Abeeku  (African)
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Addae  (African)
Ghanian Word for the Morning Sun
Adeben  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to the Twelfth-born Son
Adika  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to the First Child from a Second Husband
Adofo  (African)
Ghanian Word for Warrior
Adom  (African)
God's Blessing. (Ghanian)
Adusa  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to the Thirteenth-born Child
Akua  (African)
Ghanian Name for One Born on Thursday
Akwetee  (African)
Ghanian Name for the Second Twin Born
Anane  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to the Fourth Son Born
Anum  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to the Fifth Born Child
Ata  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to the First-born Twin
Atsu  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to the Second-born Twin
Atu  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to a Boy Born on Saturday
Bethani  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bethanie  (Hebrew)
Variant of Bethany - a Village Near Jerusalem Where Jesus Visited Mary; Martha and Lazarus
Bhooshani  (Hindu)
Bobo  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to a Child Born on Tuesday
Bodua  (African)
Ghanian Name That Means 'Animal Tail'
Chaniel  (Hebrew)
God's Grace
Channiel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chaniel: God's Grace
Darshani  (Hindu)
One Who Enables Seeing the Good Things. Origin: Sanskrit
Ebo  (African)
Ghanian Name Given to a Child Born on Tuesday
Enam  (African)
Ghanian Name Meaning 'Gift from God'
Estephanie  (Spanish)
Feminine of Stephan
Ethanim  (Biblical)
Strong, Valiant
Ethanim  (Biblical)
Strong, Valiant
Fabron  (Latin)
Ghaniyah  (Muslim)
Pretty Girl. Beautiful Woman. Beauty
Haanee  (Muslim)
Variant of Hani: Happy. Delighted. Content
Haneef  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanif: True Believer. Orthodox
Haneefa  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanifa: True Believer
Hania  (Native American)
Spirit Warrior (Hopi)
Haniel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chaniel: God's Grace
Haniel  (Biblical)
The Gift of God
Hanif  (Muslim)
True Believer. Orthodox
Hanif  (Islamic)
The Believer of Islam
Hanif  (Egyptian)
Hanifa  (Muslim)
True Believer
Hanifah  (Muslim)
Variant of Hanifa: True Believer
Hanita  (Hindu)
Divine Grace
Haniyyah  (Muslim)
Pleased. Happy
Hanniel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Chaniel: God's Grace
Ishani  (Indian)
Mahanidhi  (Hindu)
Great Treasure
Matthanias  (Biblical)
Gift, or Hope, of the Lord
Matthanias  (Biblical)
Gift, or Hope, of the Lord
96 names found for "Hani"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Jamelia | Kairos | Line | Perez | Mae | Dickran | Muireann | Beatricia | Cleopatra | Sherman | Cheche | Arabella | Adamya | Thorir | Marvyn |