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Names That Mean Hare

64 names found for "Hare"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Hare? We couldn't find the exact name Hare, but listed below are some first names meaning Hare or names similar to the word Hare.

Similar Names

Hara | Hari | Harro | Harry | Haru | Heru | Hor | Hori | Hur | Huri |

Related Names

Pharez  (Biblical)
Division, Rupture
Safia  (Muslim)
Lion's Share. Pure. Best Friend. Untroubled
Safiyah  (Muslim)
Variant of Safia: Lion's Share. Pure. Best Friend. Untroubled
Safiyyah  (Muslim)
Variant of Safia: Lion's Share. Pure. Best Friend. Untroubled
Sehaam  (Muslim)
Variant of Seham: Shares. Arrows
Seham  (Muslim)
Shares. Arrows
Shareef  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharif: Noble. Eminent. Distinguished
Shareef  (Arabic)
Variant of Sharif: Illustrious
Shareefa  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharifa: Distinguished. Noble
Shareeka  (Muslim)
Variant of Sharika: Partner. Participant
Sharezer  (Biblical)
Overseer of the Treasury, or of the Storehouse
Sharieff  (Hindu)
High Born Also Shareef, Sharif
Sharif  (Islamic)
Widely Respected (Shareef, Shereef)
Zacharee  (Hebrew)
God is Remembered

Additional Names

Bronson | Holman | Luighseach | Obil | Samara | Elvira | Joy | Jayden | Zibiah | Domeka | Ksena | Aylward | Kristian | Donetta | Prarthana |