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Names That Mean Hebrew

241 names found for "Hebrew"   (page 1 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Hebrew? We couldn't find the exact name Hebrew, but listed below are some first names meaning Hebrew or names similar to the word Hebrew.

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Heber |

Related Names

Aaron  (Hebrew)
A Mountain; a Tower of Strength; in the Old Testament, the Elder Brother of Moses Who Helped Lead the Hebrews Out of Egypt
Abe  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. Further Populariz
Abigail  (Irish)
Father Rejoiced. Origin: Hebrew
Abraham  (Hebrew)
Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. The Name Abraham Was Further Popularized
Abram  (Hebrew)
High Father. Exalted Father. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation
Abran  (Hispanic)
Father of the Multitude. (Derivation of Hebrew Abram Meaning High Father?)
Absolon  (French)
The Father is Peace, or Father of Peace. Form of Hebrew Absolom Who Was Son of Old Testament King David.
Adam  (Irish)
Red Earth,Ruddy,Man. Origin: Hebrew
Adamnan  (Irish)
Little Adam. Origin: Hebrew
Akala  (English)
Wolf. Origin: Hebrew
Ann  (Russian)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah. Favor. Grace
Anne  (English)
Gracious; from the Hebrew Hannah (Chaanach, Hannah). Variations: Anna, Annag, Annot. (An-nah)
Anne  (English)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah: Favor. Grace
Anneke  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah, Meaning Favor, Grace
Anneli  (Finnish)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah: Favor. Grace
Annette  (French)
Variant of Anne Meaning Little Ann. Variant of Hebrew 'Hannah' Meaning 'Favor. Grace. '
Anni  (German)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah Meaning Favor. Grace
Annie  (Russian)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah. Favor. Grace
Anya  (Russian)
Variant of Hebrew Hannah. Favor. Grace
Ava  (Latin)
Variant of Eva: Living One. The Latin Form of the Hebrew Eve. Famous Bearers: Evangeline, Adolf Hitler's Mistress Eva Braun. in the Bible Eve Was Adam's Wife and the First Woman
Babette  (Greek)
Variant of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Known
Barnaby  (English)
A Variant of the Hebrew Barnabas Meaning Son of Consolation, Son of Exhortation, or Son of Comfort. Famous Bearer: Barnaby Rudge, a Character in Th Century Charles Dickens' Novel Barnaby Rudge
Barney  (English)
Used As a Diminutive of Barnard, Meaning Strong As a Bear. Also a Diminutive of Barnaby, Which is a Variant of the Hebrew Barnabas Meaning Son of Consolation, Son of Exhortation, or Son of Comfort
Benjamin  (Scottish)
Favorite Son; Derived from the Hebrew Binyamin
Bess  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Bessie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Bessy  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Beta  (Greek)
Variant of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Known
Beth  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Bethia: This Hebrew Name Became Popular in Scotland in the Th Century Because of It's Association With the Gaelic 'Beath' Meaning 'Life
Beth  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Bethan  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Bethia  (Scottish)
This Hebrew Name Became Popular in Scotland in the Th Century Because of It's Association With the Gaelic 'Beath' Meaning 'Life
Betsy  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Bette  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Bette  (French)
A Diminutive the Hebrew Elizabeth: My God is Plentiful. Also Used As an Alternate Spelling of Betty. Famous References - American Actress Bette Davis
Bettina  (Spanish)
A Spanish or Italian Variant of the Hebrew Elizabeth; Meaning 'My God is Plentiful
Bettina  (Italian)
A Spanish or Italian Variant of the Hebrew Elizabeth; Meaning My God is Plentiful
Bettina  (Greek)
Variant of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Known
Betty  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Bram  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. Further Populariz
Brielle  (Western)
Hero of God, an Angel; Short for of Gabrielle. Origin: Hebrew
Carmen  (Spanish)
Garden. The Spanish Form of the Hebrew Carmel. Famous Bearer: Bizet's Opera 'Carmen', First Performed In
Dafydd  (Welsh)
A Welsh Form of the Hebrew Name David, Meaning Beloved or Friend
Dal  (Welsh)
Diminutive of David: Beloved or Friend, from the Hebrew. Sixth Century St David (Or Dewi) Was Patron Saint of Wales
Dal  (Scottish)
Diminutive of David: Beloved or Friend, Adopted from the Hebrew. David Was a Common Name of Scottish Kings in the Middle Ages
Dana  (English)
A Feminine Form of the Hebrew Daniel, Meaning God Has Judged, God is Judge, or God Will Judge. Also Used As a Derivitive of the Surname Dane, Meaning from Denmark
Danette  (French)
A Feminine Form of the Hebrew Daniel, Meaning God Has Judged, or God is Judge
Danny  (Scottish)
A Diminutive of the Hebrew Daniel, Meaning God Has Judged, or God is Judge, Frequently Used As an Independent Name. 'Danny Boy' is a Famous Scottish Folk Song
Darra  (Hebrew)
Wisdom (Hebrew); Small Great One (Gaelic)
Dave  (Scottish)
Diminutive of David: Beloved or Friend, Adopted from the Hebrew. David Was a Common Name of Scottish Kings in the Middle Ages
241 names found for "Hebrew"   (page 1 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Herryk | Areille | Mahbubee | Flaine | Micheal | Maqbool | Swaraj | Lev | Kamron | Cairbre | Esther | Gradana | Orlenda | Min | Bennet |