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Meaning of the Name Helios

The first name Helios is of Greek origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: God of the Sun

Similar Names

Helice | Helike |

Related Names

Clytie  (Greek)
Mythological Water Nymph Who Loved the Sun God Helios. She Was Changed into a Sunflower and Now Always Turns Her Face Toward the Sun
Ilona  (Hungarian)
The Hungarian Variant of a Name Helena. Comes from a Greek Word Helios = the Sun, So the Meaning is Shining, Brilliant
Phaethon  (Greek)
Son of Helios

Additional Names

Fahim | Jachin | Karolek | Jillian | Seiko | Caroliana | Salaah | Val | Estefania | Lidia | Ganya | Mahlon | Bakula | Asfour | Katja |