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Names That Mean Hild

530 names found for "Hild"   (page 10 of 11) 

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Looking for names that mean Hild? We couldn't find the exact name Hild, but listed below are some first names meaning Hild or names similar to the word Hild.

Similar Names

Heled | Holt | Hilda | Hilde | Hildie | Holda | Holde | Hulda | Hulde | Hylda |

Related Names

Quinton  (Latin)
The Fifth Child (Quentin, Quent, Quincy, Quinn, Quint)
Quinty  (Latin)
The 5th Child (Latin)
Ragnhild  (Swedish)
Feminine Form of Ragnor: Strong Army
Ragnhild  (Norse)
Goddess or Warrior
Reiko  (Japanese)
Very Pleasant Child (Rei)
Rita  (Persian)
Variant of Margaret: Child of Light. Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Romhild  (German)
Glorious Battle Maiden
Romhilda  (German)
Glorious Battle Maiden
Romhilde  (German)
Glorious Battle Maiden
Ruomhildi  (German)
Glorious Battle Maiden
Sachi  (Japanese)
Bliss Child
Sachi  (Japanese)
Girl Child of Bliss
Sam  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Samson: Sun Child; Bright Sun
Sammy  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Samson: Sun Child; Bright Sun
Sampson  (Hebrew)
Variant of Samson: Sun Child; Bright Sun
Samson  (Hebrew)
Sun Child; Bright Sun. in the Old Testament, Samson's Great Strength Came from His Long Hair. He Was Seduced by Delilah, Who Cut His Hair Off, Thereby Destroying His Strength
San  (Chinese)
Means 'Three'. This Name is Sometimes Given to the Third Child
San  (Chinese)
Means 'Three'. This Name is Sometimes Given to the Third Child
Sarohildi  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Septima  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Septimus: Born Seventh. Name Given to the Seventh Child Born to a Large Family
Septimus  (Latin)
Born Seventh. Name Given to the Seventh Child Born to a Large Family
Serhild  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Serhilda  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Serihilda  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Serihilde  (German)
Armored Battle Maiden
Sextus  (Latin)
Born Sixth. Given to the Sixth Child Born to a Large Family
Shasti  (Indian)
Goddess of Childbirth
Shirley  (English)
Bright Wood; Bright Meadow; from the White Meadow. Famous Bearers: Child Star Shirley Temple
Slade  (English)
Child from the Valley
Slade  (English)
Child of the Valley
Sonnehilda  (Teutonic)
Sun Battle Maiden
Sonnehilde  (Teutonic)
Sun Battle Maiden
Sumiko  (Japanese)
Lovely Child
Sunhild  (Teutonic)
Sun Battle Maiden
Sunhilda  (Teutonic)
Sun Battle Maiden
Sunhilde  (Teutonic)
Sun Battle Maiden
Svanhild  (Norse)
Swan or Warrior
Svenhilda  (Norse)
Swan or Warrior
Svenhilde  (Norse)
Swan or Warrior
Swanhild  (Norse)
Daughter of Sigurd
Swanhilda  (Norse)
Daughter of Sigurd
Swanhilda  (Teutonic)
Swan Battle Maiden
Swanhilde  (Norse)
Daughter of Sigurd
Swanhilde  (Teutonic)
Swan Battle Maiden
Tahupotiki  (Maori)
Beloved Child
Talitha  (Hebrew)
Talitha  (Hebrew)
Maiden, Child
Tanaya  (Hindu)
Child of Mine
Tertius  (Latin)
Third Child
Thorhild  (Norse)
Thor's Maiden
530 names found for "Hild"   (page 10 of 11) 

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Additional Names

Galvyn | Novak | Naazir | India | Cecily | Tanach | Babs | Anissa | Iphinome | Chavivi | Aziza | Dhruv | Dureau | Adair | Azmon |