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Meaning of the Name Hippolytus

The first name Hippolytus is of Greek origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Horse Let Loose. in Greek Legend, the Son of Theseus and Hippolyta, Who Was Dragged to His Death by Stampeding Horses

Related Names

Hippolyta  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Hippolytus: Horse Let Loose. Queen of the Amazons. A Character in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Hippolytusr  (Greek)
Freer of Horses

Additional Names

Barbod | Beatricia | Jaquelina | Arian | Rohana | Honovi | Attley | Hepher | Sardar | Jareh | Quico | Kylar | Eadlyn | Noemi | Ken |