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Meaning of the Name Holde

The first name Holde is of German origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: Beloved

Similar Names

Holt | Hild | Hilda | Hilde | Hildie | Holda | Hulda | Hulde | Hylda |

Related Names

Asshurim  (Biblical)
Liers in Want; Beholders
Asshurim  (Biblical)
Liers in Want; Beholders
Fitzgerald  (English)
Mighty Spearholder's Son
Franklyn  (English)
Free Man; Landholder
Holden  (English)
Deep Valley
Holden  (English)
From the Hollow in the Valley. Both a Surname and Place Name. Famous Bearer: Holden Caulfield, the Hero of J. D. Salinger's Novel the Catcher in the Rye
Holden  (Teutonic)
Holden  (English)
Hollow in the Valley
Shephi  (Biblical)
Beholder, Honeycomb, Garment

Additional Names

Godfrey | Claudio | Marilis | Yu | Wilma | Noma | Elsa | Josephina | Arienh | Satchel | Dymtrus | Guivret | Darrock | Gehazi | Waldemar |