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Names That Mean Honour

65 names found for "Honour"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Honour? We couldn't find the exact name Honour, but listed below are some first names meaning Honour or names similar to the word Honour.

Similar Names

Honir | Honor | Honora | Honore |

Related Names

Nye  (Welsh)
Diminutive of Aneurin: Uncertain Origin, But May Be Derived from the Latin Honorius Meaning Man of Honour, or from the Welsh Eur Meaning Gold
Page  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Eighth' Anne Bullen, Katharine's Maid of Honour, Afterwards Queen. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' Mistress Anne Page, Daughter to Mistress Ford
Tania  (Russian)
Diminutive of Tatiana: Name in Honour of an Early Christian Martyr
Tanya  (Russian)
Diminutive of Tatiana: Name in Honour of an Early Christian Martyr
Thora  (Scandinavian)
Feminine Name Honouring Thor, Head of the Norse Pantheon and God of Thunder
Thyra  (Scandinavian)
Feminine Name in Honour of the Norse God of War, Tyr
Tim  (Greek)
Diminutive of Timothy: God's Honour; God Fearing
Timmy  (Greek)
Diminutive of Timothy: God's Honour; God Fearing
Timothea  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Timothy: God's Honour; God Fearing
Timothy  (Greek)
God's Honour; God Fearing
Verena  (English)
Name Given in Honour of 3rd Century Saint Verena
Vinnie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Vinny  (Latin)
Diminutive of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Yu  (Chinese)
Either 'Jade' or 'Honour' or 'Happy' or 'Rain'
Yu  (Chinese)
Either 'Jade' or 'Honour' or 'Happy' or 'Rain'

Additional Names

Sharai | Daa'im | Conlin | Janel | Atepa | Condwiramurs | Colan | Rodor | Elfrida | Azucena | Hayden | Dilkush | Devi | Aidenn | Serhild |