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Names That Mean Hope

108 names found for "Hope"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Hope? We couldn't find the exact name Hope, but listed below are some first names meaning Hope or names similar to the word Hope.

Similar Names

Hapi | Hapu | Hob | Hebe | Hop | Hova |

Related Names

Tumaini  (Egyptian)
Umay  (Turkish)
Umed  (Hindu)
Wilona  (Anglo Saxon)
Hoped For
Wilona  (English)
Hoped For
Wilone  (Anglo Saxon)
Hoped For
Xi-wang  (Chinese)
Zita  (Spanish)
Little Hope

Additional Names

Madhumita | Colman | Riley | Bhagya | Breeda | Oren | Gibbesone | Tina | Carlos | Abdul Latif | Joeliyn | Susie | Faolan | Danylets | Achan |