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Meaning of the Name Howell

The first name Howell is of Welsh origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Welsh: Alert One
Welsh: Variant of Hywel: Eminent. Attentive

Similar Names

Hoel | Holwell | Howel | Hywel |

Related Names

Ap Howell  (Welsh)
Son of Howell
Powell  (Celtic)
Son of Howell
Powell  (Welsh)
Son of Howell
Pwyll  (Welsh)
Son of Howell

Additional Names

Chan | Grainne | Jorgen | Chitrakant | Lavache | Tovah | Bibiana | Dolores | Quin | Loris | Osborn | Gwenevere | Sachenka | Catriona | Mahima |