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Meaning of the Name Hrut

The first name Hrut is of Norse origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Norse: Son of Hejolf

Similar Names

Hart | Hurit |

Related Names

Bahushruta  (Hindu)
Who Has Heard Much
Eldgrim  (Norse)
Kiiled by Hrut Hejolfsson
Shruti  (Hindu)
Expert in Vedas
Shruti  (Hindu)
Vedic Text
Shruti  (Indian)
Expert in Vedas

Additional Names

Kathryn | Leila | Bayode | Earwyn | Nuallan | Jolanta | Mikkel | Ram | Riobart | Derry | Caine | Ra'ed | Meredydd | Kadamba | Helli |