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Meaning of the Name Husn

The first name Husn is of Muslim origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Muslim: Beauty

Similar Names

Hasan | Hasin | Hugin | Husain | Husam | Husani | Husayn | Hasna | Hasna' | Husna |

Related Names

Husna  (Muslim)
Beautiful. A Belle
Husni  (Islamic)
Excellence, Beauty
Husniyah  (Muslim)
Variant of Hasna': Beautiful

Additional Names

Gaunt | Tasha | Elric | Florenza | Duke | Priscilla | Lahmam | Valda | Avang | Debra | Blanche | Dalla | Kibzaim | Amish | Aonghus |