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Meaning of the Name Iggi

The first name Iggi is of African origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

African: Only Son

Similar Names

Iago | Ige | Iggy | Ishi | Isui | Isi |

Related Names

Brigitte  (French)
Strong; Variations: Brigette, Briggitte, Brigit, Brigita
Gittah-hepher  (Biblical)
Digging, a Wine-press
Gittah-hepher  (Biblical)
Digging, a Wine-press
Hapharaim  (Biblical)
Searching, Digging
Hapharaim  (Biblical)
Searching, Digging
Higgins  (Irish)
Iggy  (African)
From the Name Iggi

Additional Names

Beatrice | Nadezhda | Hezekiah | Nipun | Aratus | Tripper | Rasheeda | Averyl | Avariella | Rabboni | Iwona | Jamey | Annelise | Erendira | Jaime |