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Names That Mean Illian

178 names found for "Illian"   (page 4 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Looking for names that mean Illian? We couldn't find the exact name Illian, but listed below are some first names meaning Illian or names similar to the word Illian.

Similar Names

Ilan | Iliana | Illan |

Related Names

Rakhshanda  (Muslim)
Shining. Brilliant
Rhobert  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Robert 'Brilliant Renown'
Robbin  (English)
Famous Brilliance
Roberta  (English)
Femenine Form of Robert, Brilliant
Robin  (English)
Famous Brilliance
Ruksana  (Islamic)
Sana'  (Muslim)
Resplendence. Brilliance. to Gaze. Look
Sunny  (American)
Brilliant, of the Sun
Taabish  (Muslim)
Variant of Tabish: Warmth. Brilliance
Tab  (German)
Tabbart  (German)
Tabish  (Muslim)
Warmth. Brilliance
Tahbert  (German)
Tejas  (Hindu)
Glow, Glare, Splendor, Brilliance, Light
Tejus  (Hindu)
Radiance, Splendor, Brilliance
Thorberta  (Norse)
Brilliance of Thor
Thorbiartr  (Norse)
Brilliance of Thor
Torberta  (Norse)
Brilliance of Thor
Wilbart  (German)
Resolute or Brilliant
Wilbert  (German)
Resolute or Brilliant
Wilbur  (German)
Resolute or Brilliant
Wilburt  (German)
Resolute or Brilliant
Willaperht  (German)
Resolute or Brilliant
Wilpert  (German)
Resolute or Brilliant
Zohar  (Hindu)
Light, Brilliance
Zula  (African)
Brilliant, Ahead
Zuleika  (Arabic)
Brilliant and Lovely
Zuleika  (Persian)
Brilliant Beauty. Famous Bearer: the Heroine in Byron's Poem 'The Bride of Abydos'

Additional Names

Lamont | Gustaf | Devnet | Giancarlo | Bethia | Warwick | Zenobia | Griswalde | Shilhi | Leonard | Kelleigh | Velika | Rohan | Francisca | Yasmia |