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Meaning of the Name Ilon

The first name Ilon is of Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Light

Similar Names

Ilan | Illan | Ilom | Ilona | Ilana | Ilane | Ilena | Ilene | Iliona | Ilma |

Related Names

Avilon  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Burial Place
Dilon  (Irish)
Variant of Dillon: Loyal
Gilon  (Hebrew)
Ilona  (Hungarian)
Ilona  (Hungarian)
Beautiful, Sunshine
Ilona  (Greek)
Ilona  (Hungarian)
The Bright One. The Hungarian Form of Helen
Ilona  (Hungarian)
The Hungarian Variant of a Name Helena. Comes from a Greek Word Helios = the Sun, So the Meaning is Shining, Brilliant
Ilona  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One
Ilonka  (Greek)
Tilon  (Biblical)
Wilona  (English)
Desired ( Wilone )
Wilona  (Anglo Saxon)
Hoped For
Wilona  (English)
Hoped For
Wilone  (Anglo Saxon)
Hoped For

Additional Names

Alanna | Imri | Davida | Gilli | Abhinav | Abba | Beechy | Bonnie | Baldassario | Zakki | Hen Wyneb | Shelumiel | Ormond | Guru | Iago |