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Names That Mean Ince

503 names found for "Ince"   (page 7 of 11) 

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Looking for names that mean Ince? We couldn't find the exact name Ince, but listed below are some first names meaning Ince or names similar to the word Ince.

Similar Names

Inek | Ingo | Inis | Innes | Inys | Inas | Inca | Ines | Inese | Inez |

Related Names

Meliza  (Greek)
Bee. Famous Bearer: Melissa, Mythological Princess of Crete Transformed to a Bee After Learning to Collect Honey
Mercutio  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet' Kinsman to Prince Escalus and Friend to Romeo
Millie  (German)
Strength, Determination. Diminutive of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour, and the Latin Aemilia. Famous Bearers: Th Century British King George Iii's Daughter Princess Amelia' Henr
Mira  (Islamic)
Exalted Princess (From Arabic)
Mira  (Indian)
A Mythical Princess
Missy  (Greek)
Bee. Famous Bearer: Melissa, Mythological Princess of Crete Transformed to a Bee After Learning to Collect Honey
Mitchell  (English)
Surname Derived from Michael: 'Who is Like God?'. in Use As a First Name Since the Th Century
Morholt  (Arthurian Legend)
Prince Killed by Tristan
Morocco  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' the Prince of Morocco, Suitor to Portia
Morold  (Arthurian Legend)
Prince Killed by Tristan
Mukhlis  (Muslim)
Sincere. Frank
Naasiha  (Muslim)
Variant of Nasiha: Advisor. Sincere
Nadab  (Biblical)
Free and Voluntary Gift; Prince
Nasiha  (Muslim)
Advisor. Sincere
Nausicaa  (Greek)
Princess Who Finds Odysseus
Nedabiah  (Biblical)
Prince or Vow of the Lord
Nevil  (French)
From the New Town. Originally a Surname, Since the Late Th Century Has Been Used Occasionally As a First Name. Famous Bearers: Novelist Nevil Shute
Neville  (French)
Variant of Nevil: from the New Village. Originally a Surname, Since the Late Th Century Has Been Used Occasionally As a First Name. Famous Bearers: Novelist Nevil Shute
Nimeesha  (African)
Norway  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' Fortinbras, Prince of Norway
Ophelia  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' Daughter to Polonius
Owain  (Greek)
Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous Bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy; American Playwright Eugene O'Neill
Owen  (Greek)
Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous Bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy
Pander  (Shakespearean)
'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' a Pander
Paris  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet' Paris, a Young Count, Kinsman to the Prince of Verona. 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' King Priam's Son
Parmida  (Persian)
Peada  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a Prince
Pedro  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' the Prince of Arragon, Suitor to Portia. 'Much Ado About Nothing' Don Pedro, Prince of Arragon
Pentapolis  (Shakespearean)
'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' Simonides, King of Pentapolis
Pericles  (Shakespearean)
'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' Prince of Tyre
Phil  (Greek)
Diminutive of Philip: Lover of Horses. King Philip of Macedon Was the Father of Alexander the Great. in the Bible, Philip Was the Name of One of Christ's Apostles. Famous Bearer: Prince Philip, Husban
Philemon  (Shakespearean)
'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' Servant to Cerimon
Philip  (Greek)
Lover of Horses. King Philip of Macedon Was the Father of Alexander the Great. in the Bible, Philip Was the Name of One of Christ's Apostles. Famous Bearer: Prince Philip, Husband of Queen Elizabeth I
Pip  (Greek)
Diminutive of Philip: Lover of Horses. King Philip of Macedon Was the Father of Alexander the Great. in the Bible, Philip Was the Name of One of Christ's Apostles. Famous Bearer: Prince Philip, Husban
Poldie  (German)
Diminutive of Leopold: Bold People. Prince of the People
Polonius  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' Lord Chamberlain
Prince  (Latin)
Prince  (English)
Principal One; First. Famous Bearer: Rock Musician 'Formerly Known As Prince'
Prince  (Latin)
Royal Son
Princess  (English)
Royal Daughter
Princeton  (English)
Principal One; First. The Rock Musician Prince
Princeton  (Latin)
Principal One; First. The Rock Musician Prince
Prologue  (Shakespearean)
'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Quince, a Carpenter, Acts As Prologue in the Play Within the Play
Qeturah  (Hebrew)
Quince  (Shakespearean)
'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Quince, a Carpenter, Acts As Prologue in the Play Within the Play
Quincey  (English)
Fifth. Derived from Roman Clan Name
Quincey  (French)
From the Place Owned by the Fifth Son 'Fifth'; Derived from Roman Clan Name
Rab  (German)
Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Rab-shakeh  (Biblical)
Cup-bearer of the Prince
Rabbie  (German)
Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
503 names found for "Ince"   (page 7 of 11) 

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Additional Names

Edensaw | Kleavon | Vivien | Thrym | Poojya | Karif | Garrison | Adreana | Cort | Edmonda | Gur | Weyland | Alura | Leonard | Mubaarak |