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Meaning of the Name Inder

The first name Inder is of Hindu origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Hindu: Supreme God

Similar Names

Indira | Indra |

Related Names

Cinderella  (Latin)
Girl by the Cinders
Cinderella  (English)
Little Cinder Girl. The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine
Cinderella  (French)
Of the Ashes
Cindy  (English)
Dimunitive of Cynthia, Lucinda, and Cinderella
Finn  (Norse)
Hadlai  (Biblical)
Loitering, Hindering
Hadlai  (Biblical)
Loitering, Hindering
Weejida  (Muslim)
Variant of Wijida: Finder. Excited
Wijida  (Muslim)
Finder. Excited

Additional Names

Hieronymous | Theodora | Bohdan | Dubh | Ahuzam | Hazo | Harry | So | Celesse | Martha | Lera | Brynda | Ashby | Elina | Delwynn |