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Names That Mean Indi

141 names found for "Indi"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Indi? We couldn't find the exact name Indi, but listed below are some first names meaning Indi or names similar to the word Indi.

Similar Names

India | Inda | Indee | Indiya | Indu |

Related Names

Agastya  (Hindu)
Agastya is the Patron Saint of Southern India
Agatha  (Greek)
A Woman of High Ideals, Good, Brilliant, Lively, Unemotional, Indifferent to Flattery
Ai  (Japanese)
Love, Indigo Blue
Bakula  (Hindu)
Nagakesar Tree- a Spice Used in Indian Cooking
Bel  (German)
Diminutive of Belinda: from the Old German Betlindis, Which is Derived from the Word for Snake
Belinda  (German)
From the Old German Betlindis, Which is Derived from the Word for Snake
Bell  (German)
Diminutive of Belinda: from the Old German Betlindis, Which is Derived from the Word for Snake
Belle  (German)
Diminutive of Belinda: from the Old German Betlindis, Which is Derived from the Word for Snake
Benny  (Hebrew)
Son of My Right Hand. A Diminutive of Benedict or Benjamin Frequently Used As an Individual Name
Bharat  (Indian)
India, universal monarch
Bharati  (Hindu)
Bindi  (Hindu)
A Colored Mark Worn on Forhead by Hindu Women Symbolising Life
Bindiya  (Hindu)
Drop, Point, Colored Dot Indian Women Apply on the Forehead
Bindiya  (Indian)
drop, point
Brant  (English)
Proud; Variant of Brand. Mohawk Indian Joseph Brant Was a Renowned Strategist Who Fought for the British During the American Revolution; and a Devout Scholar Who Translated Christian Religious Works i
Branton  (English)
Variant of Brand. Mohawk Indian Joseph Brant Was a Renowned Strategist Who Fought for the British During the American Revolution; and a Devout Scholar Who Translated Christian Religious Works into His
Brantson  (English)
Variant of Brand. Mohawk Indian Joseph Brant Was a Renowned Strategist Who Fought for the British During the American Revolution; and a Devout Scholar Who Translated Christian Religious Works into His
Calypso  (Greek)
The Mythological Nymph Who Beguiled Odysseus for Seven Years. A West Indies Style of Singing. Daughter of Atlas
Camdan  (Scottish)
From the Winding Valley
Camden  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Winding Valley
Camden  (Scottish)
From the Winding Valley
Camden  (English)
Winding Valley
Camdene  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Winding Valley
Camdin  (Scottish)
From the Winding Valley
Camdyn  (Scottish)
From the Winding Valley
Camdyn  (English)
Winding Valley
Cetewind  (English)
From the Cottage on the Winding Path
Cherokee  (Native American)
People of a Different Speech. One of the Largest American Indian Tribes
Chetwin  (English)
From the Cottage on the Winding Path
Chetwyn  (English)
From the Cottage on the Winding Path
Cindi  (English)
Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda
Cindia  (English)
Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda
Clive  (English)
Cliff. Lives at the Cliffs. from an English Surname and Place Name. Famous Bearer Th Century British Soldier and Statesman Robert Clive Was Known As 'Clive of India'.Lives at the Cliffs
Crombwiella  (English)
Lives by the Winding Stream
Crompton  (English)
From the Winding Farm
Cromwell  (English)
Lives by the Winding Stream
Cuthbert  (Scottish)
Bright, Famous; Compound Name Derived from the Old English Elements Cuo, Cuth (Known) and Beraht (Bright, Famous). The Name Was Borne by a 7th Century Saint from Lindisfarne. Pet Name: Cuddy
Dena  (Hebrew)
Valley or Vindicated
Dina  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dina  (Spanish)
Form of Hebrew Dinah. Judged and Vindicated. in the Bible Dinah Was Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinah  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinora  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinora  (Spanish)
Form of Hebrew Dinah. Judged and Vindicated. in the Bible Dinah Was Jacob's Only Daughter
Dinorah  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Dynah  (Hebrew)
Avenged. Judged and Vindicated. Famous Bearer: Biblical Dinah, Jacob's Only Daughter
Ellora  (Indian)
The Name Given to the Cave Temples of India
Ernie  (English)
A Diminutive of Ernest Sometimes Used As an Independent Name. Also, in England, 'Ernie' Refers to the Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment Which Selects Winning Premium Bond Numbers
Ethelinda  (English)
From Aethelind, the Old English Equivalent of an Old German Name Derived from Athal 'Noble' and Lindi 'snake'
Fala  (Native American)
Crow (In Choctaw Indian)
Falguni  (Hindu)
Beautiful, Derivative of Phalgun - a Month in the Indian Calendar
141 names found for "Indi"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Anne | Celestyna | Silny | Iassen | Jago | Bianca | Evrard | Bastien | Louisane | Geliloth | Remi | Duena | Jutka | Joy | Chimalis |