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Meaning of the Name Inga

The first name Inga is of Scandinavian, Danish, Teutonic, Swedish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scandinavian: Goddess of Fertility and Peace (Inge)
Danish: Daughter of a Hero
Scandinavian: Diminutive of Lngeborg: Ing's Protection (Ing Was the Norse God of Peace and Fertility). Hero's Daughter. A Feminine Diminutive of Ingeborg
Scandinavian: From the Name Ingrid
Teutonic: Hero's Daughter
Swedish: Ing's Daughter

Similar Names

Ince | Inek | Ingo | Inigo | Inis | Inys | Inas | Inca | Ines | Inesa |

Related Names

Bhootakingam  (Hindu)
Binga  (German)
From the Kettle Shaped Hollow
Brisingamen  (Norse)
Frey's Necklace
Brisingamen  (Norse)
Freya's Necklace
Bulbul  (Muslim)
The Nightingale
Bulbul  (Islamic)
Chuminga  (Spanish)
Variant of Chumin: Lord
Dominga  (Spanish)
Born on Sunday. of the Lord
Ekalinga  (Indian)
Fainga  (Polynesian)
To Confront
Fingal  (Scottish)
Variant of Fingall: Fair-haired Stranger
Fingall  (English)
Fair-haired Stranger; an Anglicized Form of Gaelic Fionnghall, a Compound Name Composed of the Gaelic Elements Fionn (White, Fair) and Gal (A Stranger). Variations: Fingal. (Fingl)
Fingall  (Scottish)
Fair-haired Stranger
Florence  (Latin)
From 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer: Florence Nightingale, Legendary Crimean War British Nurse
Gringalet  (Arthurian Legend)
Gawain's Horse
Guruling  (Hindu)
One of the Five Eashwar Lingas
Haestingas  (English)
Ingaborg  (Scandinavian)
Hero's Daughter
Ingaborg  (Swedish)
Ing's Helper
Ingalill  (Swedish)
Ing's Lily
Ingall  (German)
Ingalls  (German)
Inger  (Danish)
Hero's Daughter (Inga)
Kokil  (Hindu)
A Cuckoo,Nightingale
Kokila  (Indian)
cuckoo, nightingale
Kokila  (Hindu)
Cuckoo, Nightingale
Kunjal  (Indian)
cuckoo, nightingale
Kunjal  (Hindu)
Cuckoo, Nightingale
Mahalingam  (Hindu)
Mingan  (Native American)
Grey Wolf
Mingan  (Native American)
Gray Wolf
Mingan  (American)
Gray Wolf
Neued  (Welsh)
Legendary Father of Tringad
Philomel  (Greek)
Philomela  (Greek)
Philomena  (Greek)
Nightingale (A Bird)
Pinga  (Hindu)
Pruthviling  (Hindu)
Shivalinga at Kanchipuram
Tringad  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Neued
Waeringawicum  (English)
Wingate  (English)
From the Winding Gate
Winston  (English)
Town of Victory (Winfield, Wingate)

Additional Names

Kortnee | Alba | Avenelle | Tawny | Peader | Roopin | Niral | Noel | Lydia | Shadi | Niles | Idona | Giovanni | Aefentid | Baseemah |