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Meaning of the Name Ingrid

The first name Ingrid is of Scandinavian, Norse, Teutonic, Swedish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scandinavian: A Meadow
Norse: Battle; or Old English
Norse: Beauty of Froy
Teutonic: Hero's Daughter
Swedish: Ing's Daughter
Scandinavian: Ing's Ride. Ing Was the Norse God of Peace and Fertility. Famous Bearer: Actress Ingrid Bergman

Similar Names

Ingred | Ingrida | Ingrit |

Related Names

Inga  (Scandinavian)
From the Name Ingrid
Ingrida  (Norse)
Beauty of Froy

Additional Names

Bryngerd | Kris | Cristy | Ayub | Leonela | Galvin | Munim | Deidameia | Leonid | Lochlann | Anastasha | Kyrillos | Cha'tima | Charlot | Onesiphorus |