The first name Isabel is of Hispanic, Spanish, Hebrew, English, Shakespearean, Latin origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):
Hispanic: Consecrated to God (Isa, Isabella, Isabelle, Isabel, Lsobel, Ysabel)
Spanish: Consecrated to God
Hebrew: Devoted to God
Spanish: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
English: God is Oath; Derived from the Spanish Isabella, a Version of Elizabeth. Variations: Isbel, Isobel; Iseabail, Ishbel (Gaelic). (Is-ah-bel)
Shakespearean: 'King Henry V' Queen of France
Hebrew: Oath of God, Modest, Eloquent, Charming
English: Variant of Elizabeth. My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty
Latin: Variant of Elizabeth. My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty
Latin: Variant of Elizabeth. 'My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty.'
Bel(Latin) Beautiful, Loving, Lovable. Diminutive of Amabel, Annabel, Belinda, or Isabel
Bel(Spanish) Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Bell(Latin) Beautiful, Loving, Lovable. Diminutive of Amabel, Annabel, Belinda, or Isabel
Bell(Spanish) Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Bella(Latin) A Diminutive of Isabella. Also a Diminutive of Annabella and Arabella Meaning Yielding to Prayer. Also a Variant of Amabel Meaning Beautiful, Loving, Lovable, Graceful
Bella(Spanish) Beautiful. Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Belle(Latin) Beautiful. Diminutive of Amabel, Annabel, Belinda, or Isabel
Belle(Spanish) Beautiful. Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Iseabail(Scottish) God is My Oath; a Gaelic Form of Isabel. Variations: Ishbel. Pet Name: Beileag. (Is-eh-bel)
Iseabal(Scottish) Scottish Form of Isabel: Consecrated to God
Ishbel(Spanish) Variant of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Isibeal(Irish) Irish Form of Isabel: Consecrated to God
Isla(Spanish) Variant of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Isobel(Scottish) Scottish Form of Isabel: Consecrated to God
Isobel(Spanish) Variant of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Katherine(Shakespearean) 'King Henry V' Daughter to Charles and Isabel, King and Queen of France
Marisabel(Latin) Of the Sea. Variant of Marie and Mary
Tibby(Spanish) Beautiful. Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth. The Latinized Variant, Isabella, Has Become Popular Since the Th Century
Ysabel(Italian) Italian Form of Isabel: Conseacrated to God
Ysabel(French) Medieval Form of Isabel: Devoted to God