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Meaning of the Name Isis

The first name Isis is of Egyptian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Egyptian: Heavenly Throne
Egyptian: Mythical Goddess of Magic. Isis is the Most Powerful of All Female Goddesses; Sister to Osiris
Egyptian: Supreme Goddess of the Stars
Egyptian: The Heavenly Throne

Similar Names

Isaias | Isak | Isas | Isha | Ishi | Isiah | Issa | Isui | Iasius | Ikia |

Related Names

Auset  (Egyptian)
Another Name for Isis
Chisisi  (Egyptian)
Genesis  (Hebrew)
Origin; Birth. Genisis is the Name of the First Book in the Bible. 'Genisia' - the Virgin Mary of Turin - is a Protectress Invoked Against Drought in Catholic Tradition
Genessa  (Hebrew)
Origin; Birth. Genisis is the Name of the First Book in the Bible. 'Genisia' - the Virgin Mary of Turin - is a Protectress Invoked Against Drought in Catholic Tradition
Genisis  (Hebrew)
Origin; Birth. Genisis is the Name of the First Book in the Bible. 'Genisia' - the Virgin Mary of Turin - is a Protectress Invoked Against Drought in Catholic Tradition
Isadora  (Greek)
Gift of Isis (This Name is Greek Even Though Isis is an Egyptian Deity). Feminine Variant of Isidore. Famous Bearer: Dancer Isadora Duncan (-)
Isadora  (Latin)
Gift of Isis
Isadora  (Latin)
Gift of the Goddess Isis (Isidora)
Isadore  (Greek)
Gift of Isis
Isidora  (Greek)
Variant of Isadora: Gift of Isis (This Name is Greek Even Though Isis is an Egyptian Deity)
Isidore  (Greek)
Strong Gift. Gift of Isis (This Name is Greek, Even Though Isis is an Egyptian Deity). St Isidore of Seville Tried to Convert Spanish Jews to Christianity During the Th Century
Peisistratus  (Greek)
Son of Nestor
Selk  (Egyptian)
Another Form of Isis
Serq  (Egyptian)
Another Form of Isis

Additional Names

Doreen | Vladimir | Cameo | Barney | Vasin | Haroun | Deebe | Burk | Loria | Welford | Lenusya | Tansy | Kala | Mansi | Kerry |