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Names That Mean Issa

142 names found for "Issa"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Issa? We couldn't find the exact name Issa, but listed below are some first names meaning Issa or names similar to the word Issa.

Similar Names

Isaac | Isak | Isas | Iscah | Isha | Ishaq | Ishi | Ishua | Isiah | Issac |

Related Names

Aeneas  (Greek)
Praiseworthy. Aeneas Was the Trojan Hero of Virgil's Aeneid, This Name His Been Occasionally Used Since the Renaissance
Alissa  (English)
Variant of Alice
Alissa  (Hebrew)
Truth, Noble
Alissa  (Teutonic)
Noble Humor
Alissander  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Allissandre  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Amarissa  (Hebrew)
Given by God
Amarissa  (Spanish)
Derived from Amaris, Child of the Moon, the Astrological Name for Cancer
Analissa  (Latin)
Graced With God's Bounty
Anissa  (Arabic)
The Good Companion
Anissa  (English)
Variant of Anne or Agnes
Anissa  (Iran)
Anissa  (Hebrew)
Grace of God
Anissa  (Russian)
Perfection, Fulfillment
Annalissa  (Latin)
Graced With God's Bounty
Annissa  (English)
Variant of Anne or Agnes
Annissa  (English)
Form of Ann
Arissa  (Greek)
Bellissa  (Italian)
Fair; Lovely One
Brisa  (Greek)
Name of Achilles' Beloved (Greek Mythology); Variations: Brissa, Briza
Brissa  (Spanish)
From Briseis, the Woman Achilles Loved in Homer's Iliad
Calissa  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Diminutive of Calista, Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Carissa  (Latin)
Artistic or Giving; Very Dear
Carissa  (Greek)
Very Dear
Carissa  (Greek)
Carrissa  (Greek)
Very Dear
Carrissa  (Latin)
Very Dear
Charissa  (Latin)
Latinized Form of the Greek Charis, Meaning Grace, Loving, Beauty
Charissa  (Greek)
Variant of Charis, Meaning Grace, Loving, Beauty
Chrissa  (Irish)
Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ
Chrissa  (Scottish)
Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ
Clara  (Latin)
Clear (Claire, Clarice, Clarissa, Clairette, Clarinda)
Clarissa  (English)
Bright, Clear, Famous; an Elaboration of Clara. Also Used to Anglicize Gaelic Caitir. Variations: Clarisa. (Klah-rih-sah)
Clarissa  (Italian)
Clarissa  (Spanish)
Clarissa  (Latin)
The Latinized Form of the English Clarice, Meaning Famous. Famous Bearer: Samuel Richardson's Th Century Novel 'Clarissa Harlowe'
Clarissa  (English)
Variant of Clarice: a Variant of the Latin Clara, Meaning Bright or Clear. Also a Variant of Claire or Clarice. Bright; Shining and Gentle; Famous
Clarissa  (Latin)
Clarissant  (Arthurian Legend)
Sister of Gawain
Corissa  (English)
Corrissa  (English)
Creissant  (French)
To Create
Crissa  (Scottish)
Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ
Crissa  (Irish)
Abbreviation of Christine: Follower of Christ
Darissa  (Hebrew)
Wise. Feminine Form from the Male Dara, a Biblical Descendant of Judah Known for His Wisdom
Delissa  (English)
Variant of Latin Delicia: Gives Pleasure
Denissa  (French)
Feminine of Denis from the Greek Name Dionysus
Easau  (Muslim)
Variant of Issa: the Biblical Jesus is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Eesaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Issa: the Biblical Jesus is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Elisia  (Greek)
Devoted to God. Also a Variant of Elissa, Meaning: from the Blessed Isles
142 names found for "Issa"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Marden | Argos | Kaherdin | Hillel | Loordes | Merric | Mensah | Amabel | Faheem | Kohana | Maurina | Yasu | Eileen | Damien | Clemance |