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Meaning of the Name Italy

The first name Italy is of Biblical origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: Abounding With Calves or Heifers
Biblical: Abounding With Calves or Heifers

Similar Names

Idal | Italia |

Related Names

Albinia  (Italian)
White. A Feminine Form of Albin, Introduced into Britain from Italy. The Name Was Frequently Used by Members of the Aristocratic Cecil Family and Their Descendants
Alda  (German)
Feminine Form of Aldo: Originally an Old German Name Meaning Old. Popular in Italy and Among North American Families of Italian Descent. Aldo Was a Saint
Aldo  (German)
Originally an Old German Name Meaning Old. Popular in Italy and Among North American Families of Italian Descent. Aldo Was a Saint. Old or Wise
Alds  (German)
Variant of Aldo: Originally an Old German Name Meaning Old. Popular in Italy and Among North American Families of Italian Descent. Aldo Was a Saint. Old or Wise
Aldus  (German)
Variant of Aldo: Originally an Old German Name Meaning Old. Popular in Italy and Among North American Families of Italian Descent. Aldo Was a Saint. Old or Wise
Chaitaly  (Hindu)
Name of an Ancient City
Chaitaly  (Indian)
name of an ancient city
Gaetan  (Italian)
From Gaeta, Italy
Gaetano  (Italian)
Region in Italy
Italia  (Italian)
Lucas  (Greek)
Variant of Luke: Light Giving. from Lucania (Lucania Was a District of Ancient Italy)
Luke  (Greek)
Light Giving. from Lucania (Lucania Was a District of Ancient Italy). Luke Was the Author of the Acts of the Apostles and of the Third Gospel in the New Testament, the Patron Saint of Doctors and Arti
Sabine  (Basque)
Sabine Woman (Ancient Tribe of Central Italy)
Tosca  (Latin)
From Tuscany, Italy

Additional Names

Lecea | Catalina | Tellan | Torio | Danae | Morty | Carlyn | Enda | Breandan | Ranolf | Jarvis | Danette | Kaori | Rolanda | Jaeda |