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Names That Mean Ives

441 names found for "Ives"   (page 3 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Ives? We couldn't find the exact name Ives, but listed below are some first names meaning Ives or names similar to the word Ives.

Related Names

Beldene  (English)
Lives in the Beautiful Glen
Beldon  (English)
Lives in the Beautiful Glen
Bercleah  (English)
Lives at the Birch Tree Meadow
Berk  (French)
Variant of Burke: Lives in a Fortress
Berke  (French)
Variant of Burke: Lives in a Fortress
Berkeley  (English)
Derived from the Old English for Birch-wood. Used As a Surname More Frequently Than a First Name. Lives at the Birch Tree Meadow
Bharain  (Gaelic)
Lives Near the Clear Stream
Bheathain  (Gaelic)
Lives Near the Clear Stream
Biford  (English)
Lives at the River Crossing
Bink  (English)
Lives at the Bank
Birgin  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Bergen: Lives on the Hillside
Birk  (French)
Variant of Burke: Lives in a Fortress
Birke  (French)
Variant of Burke: Lives in a Fortress
Birkett  (English)
Lives at the Birch Headland
Birkhead  (English)
Lives at the Birch Headland
Birkhed  (English)
Lives at the Birch Headland
Birney  (English)
Lives on the Brook Island
Bocleah  (English)
Lives at the Buck Meadow
Bocley  (English)
Lives at the Buck Meadow
Booth  (English)
Lives in a Hut
Boothe  (English)
Lives in a Hut
Bosworth  (English)
Lives at the Cattle Enclosure
Bothe  (English)
Lives in a Hut
Bourke  (French)
Variant of Burke: Lives in a Fortress
Boyce  (English)
Lives Near the Wood
Boyce  (French)
Lives Near the Wood. from a Surname Derived from the French 'Bois' Meaning Wood
Brandon  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, ' Sir John Stanley. 'Henry Vi, Part Iii' Sir William Stanley. 'As You Like It' a Country Fellow, in Love With Audrey. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' a Boy, Son to Page. 'Richard Iii' Sir Will
Bridge  (English)
Variant of Bridger: Lives Near a Bridge
Bridger  (English)
Lives Near a Bridge
Brigbam  (English)
Lives by the Bridge
Briggebam  (English)
Lives by the Bridge
Briggere  (English)
Lives at Tbe Bridge
Brook  (English)
Lives by the Stream
Brooke  (English)
Lives by the Stream
Brougher  (English)
Lives at the Fortress
Brydger  (English)
Lives at Tbe Bridge
Bryggere  (English)
Lives at Tbe Bridge
Burbank  (English)
Lives on the Castle's Hill
Burdon  (English)
Lives at the Castle
Bureig  (English)
Lives on the Brook Island
Burford  (English)
Lives at the Castle Ford
Burgeis  (English)
Lives in Town
Burgess  (English)
Lives in Town
Burghere  (English)
Lives at the Fortress
Burhbank  (English)
Lives on the Castle's Hill
Burhdon  (English)
Lives at the Castle
Burhford  (English)
Lives at the Castle Ford
Burhleag  (English)
Lives at the Castle's Meadow
Burian  (Russian)
He Lives Near the Weeds
Burian  (Russian)
Lives Near the Weeds
441 names found for "Ives"   (page 3 of 9) 

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Additional Names

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