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Meaning of the Name Jacinta

The first name Jacinta is of Greek, Spanish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Beautiful. Variant of Jacinth: Jacinth is Derived from the Name of a Precious Stone. This Name is Also Related to the Greek Flower Name for Hyacinth
Spanish: Hyacinth or Purple
Spanish: Purple

Similar Names

Jacinto | Jacinda | Jacinth | Jacintha | Jacinthe | Jakinda | Janeeta | Janetta | Janita | Jayanti |

Related Names

Jacinda  (Greek)
Hyacinth Flower (Jacey, Jacinna, Jacinta, Jacv, Jacynth)
Jaxine  (English)
Variant of Jacinta. Also a Contemporary Blend of Jack and Maxine

Additional Names

Elvis | Raziq | Jonna | Sterlyn | Kit | Gwendolen | Aksel | Amit | Ilsa | Donnelly | Miyo | Rillia | Terah | Tirupathi | Chiragh |