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Meaning of the Name Jacky

The first name Jacky is of Scottish, French origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: God Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor. Based on John or Jacques
French: Diminutive of Jacqueline: Supplanter. Feminine Form of Jacques (Jacob). Introduced into Britain in the Th Century

Similar Names

Jace | Jacek | Jack | Jackie | Jacy | Jake | Jay | Jock | Jacee | Jacey |

Related Names

Jackson  (English)
Jack's,,, (Jacky, Jakson, Jacksen)

Additional Names

Xenia | Analiese | Myriam | Hayat | Calldwr | Clement | Balindra | Chebar | Bakht | Sagheer | Trevyn | Mac Asgaill | Teny | Murdoch | Custenhin |