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Names That Mean Jacob

106 names found for "Jacob"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Jacob? We couldn't find the exact name Jacob, but listed below are some first names meaning Jacob or names similar to the word Jacob.

Similar Names

Jacobe | Jacobo | Jakob | Job | Jacoba | Jakoba | Jakobe |

Related Names

Jacques  (French)
Supplanter. He Grasps the Heel. French Form of Jacob
Jacques  (Hebrew)
Variant of Jacob: He Grasps the Heel. Supplanter
Jacqui  (French)
Diminutive of Jacqueline: Supplanter. Feminine Form of Jacques (Jacob). Introduced into Britain in the Th Century
Jae  (English)
Variant of Names Like Jason and Jacob
Jago  (English)
Cornish Variant of Jacob: He Grasps the Heel. Supplanter
Jago  (Hebrew)
Variant of Jacob: He Grasps the Heel. Supplanter
Jai  (English)
Variant of Names Like Jason and Jacob
Jaime  (Scottish)
Variant of Jacob Supplanter
Jake  (English)
Abbreviation of Jacob
Jake  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Jacob: He Grasps the Heel. Supplanter
Jake  (Hebrew)
From the Name Jacob
Jakob  (Danish)
Danish Form of Jacob
Jakob  (German)
German Form of Jacob
Jakob  (Danish)
Variation of Jacob
James  (English)
Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
James  (Hebrew)
Supplanter, Substitute. (In English : a Form of Jacob) (Jay, Jim, Jimmy)
James  (Hebrew)
Variant of Jacob: He Grasps the Heel. Supplanter
Jamesina  (English)
Feminine Form of James: Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
Jameson  (English)
Variant of Jacob 'supplanter.'
Jamie  (English)
Diminutive of James: Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
Jamie  (Scottish)
Variant of Jacob 'supplanter.'
Jamie  (English)
Feminine Form of James: Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
Jamieson  (Scottish)
Variant of Jacob 'supplanter.'
Jamison  (English)
Variant of Jacob 'supplanter.'
Jaquelin  (French)
Feminine of Jacques Derived from James and Jacob
Jay  (Roman)
To Rejoice, a Short Form of Jacob, Jason and John
Jaye  (English)
Variant of Names Like Jason and Jacob
Jayme  (English)
Variant of Jacob 'supplanter.'
Jaymes  (English)
Variant of Jacob 'supplanter.'
Jayron  (English)
Variant of Names Like Jason and Jacob
Jayronn  (English)
Variant of Names Like Jason and Jacob
Jem  (English)
Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
Jemmy  (English)
Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
Jim  (English)
Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
Jimmie  (English)
Variant of Jacob 'supplanter.'
Jimmy  (English)
Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
Jock  (English)
Form of Jacob
Jock  (American)
Short Form of Jacob or John
Judah  (Hebrew)
Praise. The Praised One. Fourth Son of Jacob and Leah and a Direct Ancestor to Jesus Christ. The Words Jew and Judaism are Derived from His Name
Kuba  (Polish)
Polish Pet; Form of Jacob
Laban  (Hebrew)
White. in the Bible, Laban Was the Brother of Isaac's Wife Rebekah and the Father of Jacob's Wives Leali and Rachel. This Name Was Popular With Puritans in the Th Century, But is Rarely Used Today
Lea  (Spanish)
Derived from Hebrew Leah Who Was Jacob's First Wife
Leah  (Hebrew)
Tired. Cow. First Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament. Leah Became Jacob's First Wife by Trickery, As Jacob Had Intended to Marry Her Younger and More Beautiful Sister, Rachel, Who Soon Became His Seco
Levi  (Hebrew)
Attached or Pledged. Joined. Levi; Third ' of Jacob's Sons; Became Father of the Tribe That Was Assigned Priestly Duties. Note: This Database is Copyright Dogwood Technical Services Inc
Rachael  (Hebrew)
Variant of Rachel: Ewe. Rachel Was the Second and Favoured Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament
Rachel  (English)
Ewe or 'Lamb'. The Name is Borne in the Bible by the Younger of the Two Wives of Jacob and Mother of His Sons Joseph and Benjamin. (Ray-chel)
Rachel  (Hebrew)
Ewe. Rachel Was the Second and Favoured Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament
Rae  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Rachel: Ewe. Rachel Was the Second and Favoured Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament
Reuben  (Hebrew)
Behold, a Son. The Firstborn of Jacob's Sons in the Old Testament
Seamus  (English)
Variant of James: Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
106 names found for "Jacob"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

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