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Meaning of the Name Jehoshua

The first name Jehoshua is of Biblical origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: A Savior; a Deliverer

Similar Names

Jehoahaz | Jehoash | Jehush | Jeshua | Josha | Joshua | Joshwa |

Related Names

Jesus  (Latin)
Abbreviation of Joshua from the Hebrew Name Jehoshua Meaning 'Jehovah is Salvation.'
Jesus  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is Generous. Jehovah Saves. Diminutive of Joshua from the Hebrew Name Jehoshua. As a Result of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, Jesus is Considered to Be Too Sacred to Be Given As a First Na

Additional Names

Janalynn | Iassen | Deakin | Pheobe | Yuriko | Aldon | Rishi | Eros | Johnson | Gnishilda | Audrick | Kia | Irisa | Parley | Ghadhanfar |