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Meaning of the Name Jehu

The first name Jehu is of Biblical, Hebrew origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: Himself Who Exists
Hebrew: Jehovah is He. The Biblical Military Commander of Israel (Later King) Who Was Noted for Pell-mell Style of Chariot Driving

Similar Names

Jah | Jahi | Jehush | Jeshua | Jess | Jesui | Jesus | Jeuz | Jew | Joha |

Related Names

Jehubbah  (Biblical)
Hiding, Binding
Jehubbah  (Biblical)
Hiding, Binding
Jehucal  (Biblical)
Mighty, Perfect, Wasted
Jehud  (Biblical)
Praising, Conferring
Jehud  (Biblical)
Praising, Conferring
Jehudi  (Biblical)
Praising, Conferring
Jehudi  (Biblical)
Praising, Conferring
Jehudijah  (Biblical)
The Praise of the Lord
Jehush  (Biblical)
Keeping Counsel, Fastened
Jehush  (Biblical)
Keeping Counsel, Fastened
Judith  (English)
The Praised One; Derived from Hebrew Jehudith and Yehudit. Pet Forms: Judi, Judie, Judy. (Joo-dith)

Additional Names

Gordania | Alain | Adam | Jehozabad | Paki | Tjasse | Elena | Oles | Jenci | Argus | Claire | Aurelius | Amall | Brentley | Cicero |