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Meaning of the Name Jerrell

The first name Jerrell is of Contemporary, English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Contemporary: Combination of Geraid and Darryl (Gerrell, Jarell, Jarrel, Jeryl, Jeniel)
English: From Gerald and Darrell
English: Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell

Similar Names

Jarel | Jarell | Jarrel | Jarrell | Jerel | Jeriel | Jerrall | Jerrel | Jerriel | Jerryl |

Related Names

Janyl  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell
Jarel  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell
Jarell  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell
Jarrel  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell
Jarrell  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell
Jaryl  (English)
Blend of Jar and Darell. See Also Jerrell

Additional Names

Dewayne | Petrine | Octaviana | Opal | Summer | Aleah | Yule | Dianthe | Nargis | Franziska | Hrapp | Sasilvia | Nathalia | Hoor | Lamis |