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Meaning of the Name Jeryl

The first name Jeryl is of English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell

Similar Names

Jarel | Jarl | Jaryl | Jerel | Jeriel | Jerrel | Jerryl | Jeruel | Jorel |

Related Names

Jerrell  (Contemporary)
Combination of Geraid and Darryl (Gerrell, Jarell, Jarrel, Jeryl, Jeniel)

Additional Names

Ap Howell | Ema | Tiberia | Garrick | Jaren | Darrien | Maximos | Golding | Sagheer | Anil | Freida | Lucy | Butch | Arnon | Kanaye |