Jasmyne(French) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jasmyne(Arabic) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jazmine(French) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jazmine(Arabic) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jazzmine(French) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jazzmine(Arabic) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jazzmyn(Arabic) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jazzmyn(French) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jazzmyn(Arabic) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jean(English) God is Gracious; a Cognate of the French Jeanne, a Feminine Form of Jean, Which is a Cognate of John. Pet Forms: Jeanie, Jeannie, Jessie. (Jeen)
Jennica(American) Combination of Jennifer and Jessica
Jennicka(English) Derived from Jessica? the Contributor of This Nae: My Friend Could Not Say Jessica and it Came Out Jennicka That it is How My Sister Got Her Name
Jesiah(Hebrew) Variant of Joshua. Variant of Jesse: Jehovah Exists
Jessamine(Persian) Variant of Jasmine: from the Name of the Flower, Jasmine
Jessamyn(Persian) Variant of Jasmine: from the Name of the Flower, Jasmine
Jessamyn(Arabic) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jessamyn(French) A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jesse(English) Gift, Wealth; Derived from the Hebrew Yishai, Which is from Yishai (Gift, Wealthy). The Name is Borne in the Bible by the Father of King David. Short Name: Jess. (Jes-see)
Jessica(Hebrew) Woman of Wealth; (In English: God's Grace) (Jess, Jessalyn, Jessie, Jessy, Jessika)
Jessica(English) He Beholds or Wealthy or Gift; the Meaning of This Name is Uncertain. The Name is Believed to Be Derived from Jessie ( a Pet Form of Jean and Janet) and Also Thought As a Feminine Form of Jesse (Gift)
Jessie(English) Diminutive of Jane: God Has Been Gracious. A Feminine Form of John. Also a Variant of Jennifer: Fair and Yielding
Jessie(Hebrew) Diminutive of Jessica: Rich. God Beholds
Jessie(English) Scottish Form of Jean, a Short Form of Jessica, and a Feminine Form of Jesse, Which is Derived from the Hebrew Yishai (Gift). Short Form: Jess. (Jes-see)
Jessie(Scottish) A Diminutive of Janet. Also a Diminutive of Jessamine or Jessical
Jessie(Hebrew) Wealthy. Also a Variant of Jesse: Jehovah Exists
Jessie(Scottish) Scottish Form of Jean, a Short Form of Jessica, and a Feminine Form of Jesse, Which is Derived from the Hebrew Yishai (Gift). Short Form: Jess. (Jes-see)