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Names That Mean Joseph

88 names found for "Joseph"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Joseph? We couldn't find the exact name Joseph, but listed below are some first names meaning Joseph or names similar to the word Joseph.

Similar Names

Joosep | Joseba | Josef | Josep | Josip | Josebe | Josefa | Josepha | Josephe | Joxepa |

Related Names

Josephina  (Hebrew)
God Will Add
Josephine  (Hebrew)
Addition, Alert, Successful, Passionate. Fern. of Joseph (Joe, Joey, Joline, Joleen, Jolene, Josee, Josey, Josie, Josephina, Josy)
Josephine  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Joseph: May Jehovah Add/Give Increase
Josephine  (French)
God Will Increase
Josephine  (French)
May Jehovah Add. Addition (To the Family). A Feminine Form of Joseph. Famous Bearer: French Empress Josephine, Wife of Napoleon Bonaparte
Josephus  (Hebrew)
God Will Multiply
Josephus  (Latin)
May God Give Increase
Josette  (French)
Feminine Form of Joseph
Josette  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Joseph: May Jehovah Add/Give Increase
Josie  (English)
Diminutive Form of Josephine
Josie  (French)
Diminutive of Josephine: May Jehovah Add. Addition (To the Family). Also Can Be a Diminutive of Joanne: God is Gracious. French Form of Joanna (From the Latin, Johanna) and the Feminine Form of John
Josina  (English)
Diminutive Form of Josephine
Joska  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Joseph 'God is Gracious'
JosT  (Spanish)
The Spanish Form of Joseph: May Jehovah Add. Addition (To the Family)
JosT  (Hebrew)
Variant of Joseph: May Jehovah Add/Give Increase
Jozsef  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Joseph 'God is Gracious'
Jozsi  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Joseph 'God is Gracious'
Manasseh  (Hebrew)
To Forget. The Elder Son of Joseph in the Old Testament
Manasses  (Hebrew)
Variant of Manasseh: to Forget. The Elder Son of Joseph in the Old Testament
Nicodemus  (Greek)
People's Victory. in the Bible, Nicodemus Assisted Joseph of Arimathea With the Burial of Jesus Christ
Osip  (Ukrainian)
Ukrainian Form of Joseph 'God Shall Add'
Pepe  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Joseph 'He Shall Add'
Pepillo  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Joseph 'He Shall Add'
Pepita  (Spanish)
Spanish Feminine Form of Joseph: He (God) Shall Add
Pepita  (Hispanic)
Form of Josephine
Pepita  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Joseph: May Jehovah Add and Give Increase
Peppino  (Italian)
Italian Form of Joseph 'He Adds'
Petrus  (Arthurian Legend)
One of Joseph's Disciples
Pippino  (Italian)
Italian Form of Joseph 'He Adds'
Rachel  (English)
Ewe or 'Lamb'. The Name is Borne in the Bible by the Younger of the Two Wives of Jacob and Mother of His Sons Joseph and Benjamin. (Ray-chel)
Txanton  (Basque)
Basque for Joseph
Yoosuf  (Muslim)
Variant of Yusuf: the Biblical Joseph is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Yosef  (Hebrew)
Yosef  (Hebrew)
Form of Joseph
Yosefu  (Hebrew)
From the Name Joseph
Yusuf  (Muslim)
The Biblical Joseph is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Yusuf  (Islamic)
May He Add (Arabic Form of Joseph)
Yusuf  (Arabic)
Arabic Form of Joseph
88 names found for "Joseph"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Annora | Umayma | Simeon | Senusnet | Hansen | Nevada | Blakemore | Chandrakant | Michella | Wilayat | Ecgfrith | Pili | Bathild | Katherine | Lois |