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Meaning of the Name Juli

165 names found for "Juli"   (page 2 of 4) 

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The first name Juli is of Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Young

Similar Names

Jal | Jalil | Jogli | Jolie | Julio | Jyll | Jala' | Jalia | Jill | Jola |

Related Names

Jolyon  (Latin)
Feminine Variant of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child
Julee  (French)
Jove's Child. A Feminine of Julian
Juleen  (French)
Jove's Child. A Feminine of Julian
Jules  (Greek)
Variant of Julius: Downy. Hairy. Derived from the Clan Name of Roman Dictator Gaius Julius Caesar
Jules  (French)
Youthful. The French Form of Julius. Famous Bearer: Science Fiction Writer Jules Verne (-)
Julia  (French)
Julia  (Swedish)
Julia  (Latin)
Young. The Feminine Form of Julius. A Character in Shakespeare's Play 'Two Gentlemen of Verona'
Julia  (Shakespearean)
'Two Gentlemen of Verona' a Lady of Verona, Beloved of Proteus
Julia  (Latin)
Soft-haired, Youthful
Julia  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Julius: Downy. Hairy. Derived from the Clan Name of Roman Dictator Gaius Julius Caesar
Julia  (Latin)
Downy-cheeked, Dazzling, Amorous, Superficial. (Julie, Julietre, Julietta, Juliane, Julianne)
Julian  (Latin)
Belonging to Julius (Julio, Halian)
Julian  (English)
Jove's Child. Form of Julius and Family Clan Name of Several Powerful Roman Emperors. Biblical Roman Centurion Julius Saved Paul's Life During a Hazardous Voyage
Julian  (Spanish)
Julian  (French)
Julian  (Greek)
Julian  (Latin)
Youthful. Jove's Child. from Latin 'Julianus'. Form of Julius and Family Clan Name of Several Powerful Roman Emperors. in the Middle Ages, the Name Julian Was Used for Children of Either Gender, But i
Julian  (Greek)
Juliana  (Latin)
Youthful. The Feminine Form of Julian. Famous Bearer: Former Queen Juliana of the Netherlands
Juliana  (Spanish)
Juliana  (Anglo Saxon)
Name of a Poem
Julianna  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julianna  (Slavic)
From the Name Julia and Anne
Julianne  (English)
From the Name Julia and Anne
Julianne  (Latin)
Downy Grace. A Compound of the Names Julie and Anne. Also Can Be Interpreted As the Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child
Juliano  (Spanish)
Jove's Child
Juliarah  (Hebrew)
A Youthful Princess
Julie  (Latin)
Variant of Julia: Young
Julie  (Latin)
Soft-haired, Youthful
Julie  (French)
Downy. French Form of Julia. Also Can Be a Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child. Famous Bearer: Actress Julie Andrews
Julieann  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julieanna  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julieanne  (Latin)
Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julieanne  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julien  (French)
Jove's Child
Julienne  (French)
Youthful. Feminine Form of Julian
Julienne  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Julian or Julius: Youthful. Jove's Child
Juliet  (Latin)
Free Spirit
Juliet  (Shakespearean)
'Measure for Measure' Beloved of Claudio. 'The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet' Daughter to Capulet, Who Falls in Love With Romeo, Son to Montague
Juliet  (Latin)
Variant of Julia: Young
Juliet  (French)
Juliet  (Italian)
An Italian Diminutive of Julia. Juliet Was the Young Heroine of Shakespeare's Play Romeo and Juliet
Juliet  (French)
Youthful; Variant of Julia. 'Jove's Child.' Star Crossed Lover in the Shakespearian Tragedy Romeo and Juliet
Julieta  (Spanish)
Variant of Julia, from Julian. Jove's Child
Julietta  (French)
Julietta  (Latin)
Variant of Julia: Young
Julietta  (Italian)
Variant of Julia. Jove's Child
Juliette  (French)
Soft Haired
165 names found for "Juli"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Melodie | Aodhhan | Filbert | Cetus | Oksana | Michio | Sinead | Marlyn | Vishwamitra | Alaknanda | Ashling | Hortensia | Hajari | Corisa | Kusumita |