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Meaning of the Name Juno

The first name Juno is of Shakespearean, Irish, Latin, Greek origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Shakespearean: 'The Tempest' a Spirit, a Roman Goddess
Irish: Variant of Una: Lamb; Together
Latin: Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Greek: Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth

Similar Names

Jan | Jani | Jen | Jena | Jeno | Jeny | Jin | Jon | Jonn | Juan |

Related Names

Cinxia  (Latin)
A Name Referring to Juno
Domiduca  (Latin)
Juno's Surname
Hera  (Greek)
Hera: (The Roman Juno) Was the Mythological Greek Queen of Heaven and Wife of Zeus. Dealing With Her Husband's Infidelities She Came to Be Called the Goddess of Marriages
Herodion  (Biblical)
The Song of Juno
Herodion  (Biblical)
The Song of Juno
Junae  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
June  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
June  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junel  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junelle  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junette  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Pertunda  (Latin)
Juno's Surname

Additional Names

Recene | Cheryl | Riku | Inyx | Baby | Kabira | Kanha | Rhan | Zehira | Kolby | Stephanas | Elenore | Teyo | Gilgal | Tolla |