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Meaning of the Name Kaci

The first name Kaci is of English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: A Phonetic Form of the Initials K. C. Also a Variant of the Irish Name Casey: Alert; Vigorous

Similar Names

Kacey | Kacy | Kaga | Kai | Kaj | Kasia | Kass | Kassi | Kau | Kay |

Related Names

Kacia  (English)
A Phonetic Form of the Initials K. C. Also a Variant of the Irish Name Casey: Alert; Vigorous
Kacia  (Greek)
Kacie  (English)
A Phonetic Form of the Initials K. C. Also a Variant of the Irish Name Casey: Alert; Vigorous
Kacie  (Irish)
Eagle-eyed (Kacev, Kaci, Kaycee, Kaycee)
Kayce  (English)
Modern Kacie and Variants are Phonetic Forms of the Initials K. C. or Variants of the Irish Name Casey 'Alert; Vigorous. '
Kaycee  (English)
Modern Kacie and Variants are Phonetic Forms of the Initials K. C. or Variants of the Irish Name Casey 'Alert; Vigorous. '
Kayci  (English)
Modern Kacie and Variants are Phonetic Forms of the Initials K. C. or Variants of the Irish Name Casey 'Alert; Vigorous. '
Kaycie  (English)
Modern Kacie and Variants are Phonetic Forms of the Initials K.C. or Variants of the Irish Name Casey 'Alert; Vigorous.'
Kaycie  (English)
Modern Kacie and Variants are Phonetic Forms of the Initials K. C. or Variants of the Irish Name Casey 'Alert; Vigorous. '

Additional Names

Morag | Alverna | Orlenda | Steffi | Emil | Apollo | Candy | Cara | Mador | Hippocampus | Munir | Chayo | Ranjan | Mufidah | Tamar |