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Meaning of the Name Karma

The first name Karma is of Sanskrit, Hindu, Indian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Sanskrit: Actions are Fate. Buddhist and Hindu Concept of the Inevitable Effect of One's Life Actions
Hindu: Destiny
Indian: Destiny
Hindu: Fate

Similar Names

Karam | Karan | Karen | Karim | Karina | Karna | Karny | Karun | Kerman | Kareema |

Related Names

Karman  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Lord of the Castle
Vishvakarma  (Indian)
architect of the universe

Additional Names

Bron | Tangerine | Hamilton | Hinnom | Boris | Brick | Dolph | Duran | Dougall | Ankush | Jehalelel | Maqsud | Byrgir | Immanuel | Berdy |