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Meaning of the Name Kasim

The first name Kasim is of Islamic, African, Arabic origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Islamic: At Odds
African: Controller of Anger
Arabic: Divided
African: Controller of Anger

Similar Names

Kaazim | Kaimi | Kam | Kami | Kaseem | Kasen | Kasmy | Kassim | Kasumi | Kazim |

Related Names

Kasimer  (Slavic)
Commands Peace
Kasimir  (Slavic)
Enforces Peace. The Name of the Patron Saint of Poland; Also a Favored Name of Polish Royalty

Additional Names

Rose | Sukarno | Archibald | Sydney | Melisse | Bodaway | Dierck | Karis | Suzanne | Ibbie | Acacia | Tristram | Zygmunt | Bast | Broddy |