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Names That Mean Katherine

163 names found for "Katherine"   (page 4 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Looking for names that mean Katherine? We couldn't find the exact name Katherine, but listed below are some first names meaning Katherine or names similar to the word Katherine.

Similar Names

Katharyn | Kathryne | Katrina | Katarin | Katarina | Katerina | Katharina | Katharine | Katherina | Katheryn |

Related Names

Kayiyn  (English)
Variant of Katherine. Pure
Kayiyn  (Greek)
Variant of Katherine. Pure
Kayla  (Greek)
Variant of Katherine. Pure
Kaylee  (Greek)
Variant of Katherine. Pure
Kaylee  (English)
Variant of Katherine. 'Pure. ' Variant of Kay and Kayla 'Keeper of the Keys; Pure. '
Kaysa  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Katherine: Pure
Kit  (Irish)
Diminutive of Katherine: Pure. Clear. from the Gaelic Form Caitlin
Kitty  (Irish)
Diminutive of Katherine: Pure. Clear. from the Gaelic Form Caitlin
Kitty  (English)
The Oldest Known Pet Name for Girls Named Catherine or Kathleen Sometimes Used As a Name in Its Own Right. Variant of Katherine. Pure
Kitty  (Greek)
Variant of Katherine. Pure
Kolena  (English)
Variant of Katherine. Pure
Kolena  (Greek)
Variant of Katherine. Pure
Triona  (Gaelic)
Pure, Unsullied; a Short Form of Caitnona, Which is the Gaelic Form of Katherine. Variations: Triona. (Tree-o-nah)

Additional Names

Ketil | Keddrick | Wenda | Mukhtar | Lianne | Barqi | EmIyn | Onawah | Marianna | Ziddim | Han | Abhayankari | Mane | Fidelis | Melody |