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Meaning of the Name Kay

The first name Kay is of Welsh, Scottish, Latin, Arthurian Legend, Greek, English, French, Irish, Native American, Scandinavian origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Welsh: Fiery
Scottish: Fire
Latin: Rejoicing, Cheerful, Enthusiastic, Competent, Displays Great Physical Courage
Arthurian Legend: Son of Ector
Greek: Variant of Katherine. Pure
English: Variant of the Latin: Gaius; an Alternative Spelling of Cai. Sir Kay Was a Knight of King Arthur's Round Table. The Name Kay Also Appeared in Hans Christian Andersen's Story 'The Snow Queen'
Latin: Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Feminine Form of Gaius: to Rejoice. Famous Bearer: Roman Dictator Gaius Julius Caesar
French: Diminutive of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina
Irish: Diminutive of Katherine: Pure. Clear. from the Gaelic Form Caitlin
Native American: Elder Sister (Hopi)
Greek: Glory
English: Keeper of the Keys (When Used As a Stand-alone First Name). Also a Diminutive of Any Feminine Name Beginning With K
Scandinavian: Keeper of the Keys. Also an Abbreviation of Katherine: Pure. Famous Bearer: Sir Kay Was One of King Arthur's Knights
Arthurian Legend: Keeper of the Keys. Also an Abbreviation of Katherine: Pure. Sir Kay Was One of King Arthur's Knights
Greek: Rejoice
Greek: Rejoicing

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