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Meaning of the Name Kaylen

The first name Kaylen is of English origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Variant of Kay and Kayla. Keeper of the Keys; Pure

Similar Names

Kaelan | Kaelem | Kaelin | Kailene | Kaklin | Kalan | Kalen | Kalin | Kaylan | Kaylene |

Related Names

Kaylene  (English)
Variant of Kay and Kayla 'Keeper of the Keys; Pure.'
Kaylene  (English)
Variant of Kay and Kayla. Keeper of the Keys; Pure

Additional Names

Tricia | Matwau | Cait | Anuchand | Saphala | Shadiyah | Frascuelo | Eloise | Stephen | Garron | Kasen | Devry | Qaahir | Brandie | Tiffany |