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Meaning of the Name Keelia

The first name Keelia is of Celtic/Gaelic, Celtic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Celtic/Gaelic: From the Name Keely
Celtic: Slender or Comely

Similar Names

Keeley | Keely | Kelii | Kelli | Kellie | Kaela | Kaeli | Kaelie | Keala | Keila |

Related Names

Keely  (Celtic)
Beauty, or Slender (Keelia, Keelin)

Additional Names

Halfrida | Hagen | Kjarr | Vromme | Colville | Cannan | Earwine | Tama | Umaymah | Hevataneo | Mavis | Marcus | Maureo | Leonita | Gaenor |