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Meaning of the Name Kita

The first name Kita is of Spanish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Spanish: Translation of Kitty

Similar Names

Katia | Kato | Keith | Kiet | Kit | Kito | Kitt | Koty | Kaida | Kat |

Related Names

Ankita  (Indian)
conquered, a signet, symbol
Ankita  (Hindu)
Conquered, a Signet, Symbol
Bikita  (African)
Ant Eater
Bikita  (African)
Birkita  (Celtic)
Birkita  (Basque)
Karkitak  (Hindu)
Serpent King
Nicholas  (Greek)
Victory of People. (Claus, Cole, Colin, Nicols, Nick, Nicky, Nikita, Nocolai, Noccolo, Nocol, Niel, Nicolas)
Nicolai  (Russian)
Victory of the People (Kolya,Kolenka,Nikita)
Nikita  (Russian)
Russian Form of Nicholas 'Victory of the People'
Nikita  (Greek)
People's Victory
Nikita  (Russian)
From the Mythological Greek Nike - Goddess of Victory
Nikita  (Slavic)
Victorious People
Pellikita  (Latin)
Pellkita  (Basque)
Pellkita  (Latin)

Additional Names

Kong | Llundein | Delton | Mehalia | Viktor | Salem | Mirabelle | Jochebed | Rollo | Aulay | Vegard | Faust | Roddrick | Domiku | Rogan |