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Names That Mean Krishna

60 names found for "Krishna"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Krishna? We couldn't find the exact name Krishna, but listed below are some first names meaning Krishna or names similar to the word Krishna.

Similar Names

Krissyn | Karisma | Krasna |

Related Names

Sudevi  (Indian)
Wife of Krishna
Sudevi  (Hindu)
Wife of Krishna
Uddhav  (Hindu)
Krishna's Cousin and Friend
Vanamali  (Hindu)
Sri Krishna
Vasudev  (Indian)
Krishna's father, god of wealth
Vasudev  (Hindu)
Krishna 's Father
Yadav  (Hindu)
Yaduveer  (Hindu)
Sri Krishna
Yashoda  (Hindu)
Krishna's Mother
Yashoda  (Indian)
Krishna's mother

Additional Names

Kazu | Baldassario | Masahiro | Kepe | Na'il | Frederich | Chesil | Ithream | Ervyn | Dinah | Qutb | Cordero | Grim | Pitney | Darrel |
Baby Name Meanings